Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Never Leave the house or even in to add Angry prt2

... In turn hurt me, I always vowed never to hurt my mother as she is the only person I know that has the biggerst heart and also the smallest heart. I knew that me saying that would hurt her, I know that she is the person that always believes in me and backs me through the good the bad the the failure the successes and she worries about my future more than anyone elses'. I know that she wants the best for me and all she wants or asks of me is a little bit and I know that I haven't done much for her yet, but I try and I left the house in anger and that should never be. This life we live is short and we should never miss an opportunity to make things right or to say sorry or say I love you and never be afraid to cry, we human after all, being human is an emotion. So yesterday I gave my Mom a Kiss and I know she knew what it was for... Today is Tuesday and I am doing so much better and even the day is feeling better more positive o let it be so Live life full on today and everyday. Later Bloggers!

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